There is a common belief that pregnancy and maternity are a time of joy and fulfilment, but of course the reality is much more complex. Perinatal time, by which we understand the period of pregnancy and the first year of a child’s life, is a time of significant changes in woman’s life.

This time is an opportunity for a woman’s own development, but sometimes strong negative feelings can also occur, old psychological scars may resurface and the state of mind can worsen.

Perinatal psychotherapy helps women who are pregnant or new mothers who have found themselves in a difficult situation (such as giving birth to a baby with severe health problems, traumatic labour etc.), who are in crisis or experience troubling thoughts, feelings or behaviors. We help women who are overwhelmed within their families, find it difficult to fit into a new role, who feel they have to compete with their mothers or mothers-in-law or those who feel torn between the needs of a baby and their partner’s expectations.

Moreover, we help women who struggle with infertility, who are afraid of labour, who have experienced a miscarriage or are depressed during  pregnancy or in the postnatal period.

Children younger than 10 months can also be present during these sessions.

The consultation before starting therapy can take place at the patient’s home.